Do You Have Good Table Manners?

Here are all the results with descriptions

A+ Table Manners
Based on the results of this quiz, you definitely have great table manners! It's clear that you were were raised in an environment where table manners were still a big deal. Either that you've spent a great deal of time reading Emily Post!

B+ Table Manners
Based on the results of this quiz, you have B+ table manners! Okay, so your table manners can be a little shaky at times, but overall, you know what it means to be a polite and well mannered dinner guest. Let's face it, we all get the forks wrong sometimes!

C+ Table Manners
Based on the results of this quiz you have C+ table manners! Unfortunately, you could use a refresher course when it comes to table manners and good etiquette. While you may know a few of the basics, you find implementing what you know to be rather difficult. Fret not, there's still time to turn your table manners around.