What Life Lesson Will You Get From Judy Blume?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Don't Be Ashamed Of Who You Are
The life lesson you will get from Judy Blume is not to be ashamed of who you are! As stated in Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great, “If you feel beautiful, you are beautiful!” Sure, it sounds a bit cliche, but it's the truth!

Enjoy All Of Life's Moments
The life lesson you will get from Judy Blume is to enjoy all of life's moments! Judy reminds us that not everything has a point, some things just happen and some things just are. Embrace every day and enjoy everything life throws your way.

Don't Let Fear Hold You Back
The life lesson you will get from Judy Blume is not to let fear hold you back! Judy reminds us that we all must confront our own fears sometimes and come face to face with the things that scare us most. Not only will this lead to triumph, it will lead to happiness!

There's Always Time To Begin Again
The life lesson you get from Judy Blume is that there is always time to begin again and start anew. Never consider what's going to happen or how it might play out, just go with the flower. Sometimes endings are beginnings. It's never too late to begin again!

Stay Curious
The life lesson you get from Judy Blume is to stay curious! The world is full of amazing and enchanting things, you just have to be open to seeing them. Stay curious, stay awestruck, and never lose your lust for living each and everyday to the fullest.