What Percent Of A little Girl Is Inside Of You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% Little Girl
Based on the results of this quiz, you still have 100% of your little girl self inside of you! You've never stopped believing in fairy tales, curiously exploring your world, or finding the magic in life's little moments. You're as enchanted by life today as you were at age 6.

80% Little Girl
Based on the results of this quiz, you still have 80% of your little girl self inside of you! You view life as a magical adventure. One that is to be embraced fully and with a sense of awe. You still believe in the inherent goodness of others, the magic of kindness, and the idea of true love.

65% Little Girl
You still have 65% of your little girl self inside of you! It's clear that you've never lost your youthful sense of wonder. Not only do you take time to enjoy life's little moments, but you routinely feel in awe of just how wonderful things can be. With your playful personality, you'll always live life to the fullest!

40% Little Girl
Based on the results of this quiz, you still have 40% of your little girl self inside of you! Though life hasn't always been easy, you've managed to maintain your youthful sense of wonder and knack for finding silver linings. Sure, things don't always add up perfectly, but when you view life through your little girl lens, you can always find the goodness!

20% Little Girl
You still have 20% of your little girl self inside of you! Though you're playful, curious, and full of wonder, you know that being an adult often means shedding your little girl innocence. While you know how to lead life in an enriching way, you've lost some of your little girl magic.