Where Does Your Look Come From?

Here are all the results with descriptions

United States
Your style comes from the United States. There is no doubt about that! You have a classic, but comfortable, look to you. Your look has a certain charm to it that just can't come from anywhere else!

Your fashion sense comes from India! Your love of scarves, beatiful fabric, and stunning jewerly makes that clear! Whether you actually wear the full traditional garb or not, you are sure to look great in this style!

Your fashion sense is sure to be inspired by Thailand. Your love of long skirts, bright colors, and crazy patterns make that clear. Your fashion sense can be summed up by the words "bold" and "bright."

South Africa
Your fashion is likely to be influenced by that of South Africa. Nature colors like green, blue, and brown flood your wardrobe. You are sure to look naturally beautiful in clothes like these.

Your look is inspired by Iceland...or just the need to stay warm. Coats, sweaters, anything that's fuzzy and cozy seems to be what you're all about. You are sure to look cute and warm in warm fuzzy coats from Iceland.