Can We Guess If You’re An Only Child Based On This Random Quiz?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're An Only Child!
Based on the results of this quiz, we believe you're an only child! Not only do you seem highly independent and steadfast in your beliefs, but it seems like you never had to contend with compromise while growing up! Because of this, you grew to have unique opinions, a true sense of self, and a confidence that many people lack. You're as awesome as they come!

You're Not An Only Child!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're not an only child! It's clear that you had to learn how to share, compromise, and make the most of what you had while growing up. You're very selfless and compassionate, with a deep sense of empathy for the feelings of others. You truly value friendship, family, and traditions. You look to your siblings as touchstones of your youth and beyond!

You Might Be An Only Child!
Based on the results of this quiz, you might be an only child! Right now, you're a little hard to read! Though you are humorous, compassionate, and outgoing, you also have a stubborn streak. Every now and then, you get a little bit "my way or the highway" when it comes to choosing movies or takeout. Luckily, you can always get past your stubborn nature and compromise like a pro.