Are You More 1945 or 1967?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're More 1945!
You're more like the year 1945! You're the type who is highly patriotic, classy, well mannered, and chic. You pride yourself on keeping a clean house, being a good friend, and always doing the right thing. No one can whip up a big meal as well as you or entertain a whole house full of guests with your grace and measure. You're bright and witty, with a charm that few others can hold a candle to!

You're More 1967!
You're more like the year 1967! You're the type who is very free spirited, creative, and outspoken. When you believe in a cause, there's nothing that can stop you from putting all of your energy into making something happen. You're smart and inquisitive, with a thirst for knowledge on a variety of topics. You love music, art, and culture. Not only do you love to meet new people, but you love to expand your horizons in every way possible!

You're Not Like Either Year!
You're not like either year in time! Though you may possess the measured grace of 1945 and the zany creativity of 1967, you're not entirely like either year. As someone who is very bold, innovative, and humorous, we'd say you're more like a year in the 1980s or 1990s!