What Ancient Ruler Were You?

If you were an ancient ruler, who would you be?

Tags: History, Ancient-Time, Ruler

Here are all the results with descriptions

Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu was a famous Chinese leader and military strategist who believed in using persuasion as much as force when it came to winning battles. Generally a pacifist, he wrote that 'the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.'

Cyrus the Great
A famous Persian leader and king, he founded the Persian Achaemenid Dynasty, the largest dynasty in the world at the time. After becoming the king of Persia, he defeated the Babylonians and liberated the Jews from their captivity. His victories largely used propaganda as much as they relied on skilled war and battle.

Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was one of the most famous Roman military and political leaders of all time. His accomplishments include crossing the Rubicon and starting a civil war in Rome by aligning rivals Crassus and Pompey, and forming the first triumvirate. Largely considered a 'man of the people,' he also fixed the Roman calendar, wrote a historical account of his battles, and had a relationship with the famous Cleopatra, queen and pharaoh of Egypt.

Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun was the ruthless fifth-century leader of the barbarian group known as the Huns. Striking fear in the hearts of the Romans as he plundered everything in his path, he invaded the Eastern Empire and then crossed the Rhine into Gaul. He achieved his power largely by uniting his subjects for the purpose of creating one of the most formidable and feared armies Asia had ever seen.