What Creature Are You?

Earth is full of strange creatures--including you. But just what kind of creature are you? Find out!

Tags: Animals, Creature, Nature

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Saiga Antelope
Aww, what makes you different also makes you sooooo adorable! You're a social creature and a sweet one too. And who doesn't love the change of wardrobe when winter sets in? The saiga antelope is a rare breed with a trunk-like nose and lives in the wilds of Russia. In the winter, its coat changes to white to blend in with the snow!

A Goliath Birdeater
Oooh! You're a big scary spider--the biggest, in fact. But just because you look menacing doesn't mean that you actually are--except when you shoot your barbed stomach hairs at people who tick you off.

A Honduran White Bat
People better not mistake your cute cuddliness for weakness! You're smart and strong, and you have friends who will back you up no matter what. The Honduran white bat is a tiny bat that lives in the rain forest, eats fruit, and makes its own home by strategically cutting leaves so that they fold over into tents.

An Aye-Aye
No, you're not a sailor or a pirate--unless you want to be. This animal more closely resembles a stuffed animal gone feral: cute in a scary way. But be warned: if you make them mad, they just might give you the middle finger. Aye-ayes are introverts, but they can be social, just like you.

A Sunda Colugo
You're a flying lemur! You love adventure, excitement, and the thrill of eating exotic foods and wines!

A Lowland Streaked Tenrec
You're a punk-rock hedgehog! Well not exactly, but it's close. These tenrecs are busy night and day, and like to hang with other tenrecs. They're pretty cool with humans too.