Only A True Roman Catholic Can Pass Our Religious Quiz

Wondering if you have what it takes to pass our ultimate Roman Catholic quiz? Well, take it and put your knowledge to the test! The answer may surprise you.

Tags: Knowledge, Religion, Church, God, Prayer

Here are all the results with descriptions

No Knowledge of Roman Catholicism
You don't know the first thing about the Catholic religion. The only things that you do know is that there is a Pope and that Virgin Mary is prayed to. In other words, the most basic, common knowledge things that everyone else knows. But when it comes down to it, you don't know anything. And that's just fine if you're not religious, but remember: knowledge is fundamental. The more you know about all things, the more you can discuss with others.

Poor Knowledge of Roman Catholicism
You know very little about the Catholic religion. You know some minimal details, fundamentals that everyone else pretty much knows. But if someone were to try and have a conversation with you over it, they wouldn't be able to. You wouldn't know how to keep up, or what to say, so they would have to take their discussion elsewhere.

Passable Knowledge of Roman Catholicism
You know enough about the Catholic religion to get a pass. You know enough to not exactly hold a deep, detailed conversation with someone else about it, but at least you wouldn't be fumbling in the dark, so to speak. You'd know a bit, and that would show through. Better than nothing!

Good Knowledge of Roman Catholicism
You know a lot about the Catholic religion. You know many details, more than the basics. You're still no expert on the subject, but you are well-informed, so you were either forced to go to mass as a child, and then stopped going, or you did some studying for the sake of knowledge, but didn't go overly deep.

Super Expert Knowledge of Roman Catholicism
You know a lot about the Catholic religion. So much so, that it's safe to say that you're Catholic, were once Catholic, or that you have family that is of the religion. It's also entirely possible that you simply read and inform yourself on a variety of topics for the sake of knowledge. Whatever the case, you're an expert on this. Congratulations!