No one Can Score At Least 20 Out Of 29 in this Difficult US Capitals Quiz

Even if you've memorized all 50 capitals, you still might not pass this quiz. It isn't for the weak. If you do, you're a genius! Take it and see if you beat it!

Tags: Knowledge, Country, Capital, Geography, Metropolis

Here are all the results with descriptions

Know NOTHING about US capitals!
You didn't get very many of these questions right, so it's safe to say you don't know your capitals. Do a search and learn more! Some state capitals are far more interesting than the state's major cities. Like Austin, for example. Know your capitals for when you travel!

Didn't Completely Fail
You didn't do so hot, either. Your score is passable but there's a lot more you could learn about United States capitals. Knowing the capitals might not seem important, but if you don't know them, you'll miss out on a lot on your next US road trip!

But just that. You know a good bit about United States capitals but you could definitely know more. But don't get out a map and just memorize them! See what each has to offer, pick your favorite and take an old-fashioned road trip!

Know a LOT about US Capitals!
Wow - you made a pretty good score on this quiz and it was HARD. You didn't get the highest score but you did make a very respectable score. Yay, you! Search up the ones you weren't sure of and take the quiz again to get the ultimate result!

Are a US Capitals GENIUS!
You must know EVERYTHING about the United States if you were able to reach this score! Are you a professor of geography? A savvy travel agent? Politician? If you're not one of those things, maybe you SHOULD be!