Ancient History Quiz

Are you an ancient history expert or a complete newbie? There is more ancient history than you think. Can you answer all of the questions on this ancient history quiz? Find out!

Tags: Ancient-History, Knowledge, Subject, Ancient-Time

Here are all the results with descriptions

You don't know anything about ancient history. What's in the past is in the past - that's your motto. Or is it? You could still learn about ancient history. Find out where we come from and what mistakes we've made. It's fascinating stuff.

A little about ancient history
You know at least a little bit about ancient history. You know a few of the basic facts of ancient history but there is so much more for you to learn! Learn about ancient history by falling into an internet hole of what interests you or check out a book of ancient facts at the library.

An average amount of ancient history
You know about as much as most people about ancient history. You must have paid attention in school. You might not make a 100 on a test, but you'd pass. Get interested in history again by reading some historical fiction or checking out a good movie!

Know a lot!
You know a lot about ancient history! You forget very little. You must have an interest in ancient civilizations and historical figures from ancient time periods. You should share your knowledge with your friends or write an interesting historical novel!

An ancient history EXPERT!
You know everything there is to know about ancient history! You must have been there. So, what was it like to know Julius Caesar personally? Were you impressed with the pyramids? Did you hear the siren's song when you sailed the Meditteranean? It must have been fascinating.