Boyfriend Quiz

Wondering if you're a good boyfriend? Maybe you've been debating it for a while, going over the question in your mind. . . Well, it's time to find out for sure, once and for all!

Tags: Men, Boyfriend, Friendship, Relationship, Partner

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Best Boyfriend Ever
You know how to make your partner feel like they're the only person in the world that makes your heart flutter. You're always there whenever you need to lend a hand, or be supportive. You know when to be quiet and just listen. But you also know how to read between the lines and pick up on the little things that make your partner special. Being a handyman is just icing on the cake. Any woman is lucky to have you, but you're no dummy. You won't settle for less than you deserve.

A Great Boyfriend
You are a great boyfriend! You know when to crack a much-needed joke, when to listen, when to go into more detail (even if you hate it), and how to essentially make your partner feel loved and appreciated. You know the little things really do matter. However, there's a catch: sometimes you do tend to get caught up in the mundane things, the daily to-do lists, the chores. And that can impact your relationship. Remember, to keep the fire alive, you need to occasionally add spontaneity.

A Decent Boyfriend
Blame it on being mistreated by your exes in the past, but you do have some baggage that you never quite. . . sorted out! It could be a result of being cheated on, lied to, or just misled, but whatever it is, it's made you feel like you have to keep on your guard. And that means that although you try to be the best boyfriend ever, sometimes you can't help but keep a certain amount of distance from your partner. You know at some point, you have to start trusting again. . . Right?

A Psycho Boyfriend. . . But You Can Change
You blame your partner of cheating and flirting with other people. You take it personally when your partner wants a day to hang with friends, without you for a change. You assume your partner keeps secrets, or blatantly hides things, and you're obsessed with checking their phone. But you do realize that it's all crazy behavior, right? If you don't trust them at all, why are you with them? Either they did the things to make you mistrust, or you're still reeling from something in the past.