Where I Belong?

Wondering where you belong? Feeling like you don't quite fit in anywhere? As though you don't have a place to feel comfortable and welcome? It's time to find out where that place really is!

Tags: Living, World, Country, State

Here are all the results with descriptions

Right Where You Are
You don't need to change anything up, pack, move, or adjust to life somewhere else. You're right where you need to be. Where you are now, you have everything that truly makes you happy. It's the place where things just make sense. Where you feel at ease, at home, with the people you love. You know the hangout spots, the hidden locations that make tiny moments stolen away that much more memorable. You're here and that's where you need to be.

In Another State
You're in for a move, to another state that is. It's not as daunting as an even bigger move, but depending on where that state is, and how far you are from it right now, you might want to sell off a few things you know you don't need, or want. But that's okay, because once you're there, you'll essentially be starting a brand new life. New locations, new adventures, new memories in new places you've never been to before. And all of that makes an impact. Expect people to be shocked!

In Another Country
You don't belong in the country you're in. It doesn't matter if you were born there, or if you've recently moved. None of that matters, the point is that unless you start changing things about your mentality and personality, you're never going to be happy here. So, if you can, try another country. Select the one where the work environment, the entertainment scene, and the overall living options are more up your speed. And you'll see how different you're meant to live!

In Another Dimension
You don't quite belong in this world as a whole. You're an amazingly inspirational person, someone people can only wish they could meet. Someone so interesting, so intriguing, so. . . different, that this world just seems boring by comparison. So, whether or not you believe in different dimensions, or alternate realities or not. . . you belong somewhere that isn't remotely close to here. . .

In A Fictional World
That's right, a fictional world! Plain life is much too boring for you. It's all work, chores, errands, cooking, cleaning, sleeping and trying to have fun in between. But in a fictional world. . . you dictate what happens, and how people live. You dictate everything, and no one is ever hurt, because no one is real. This fictional world could be of your own creation. . . but it could also be a video game. Or a book!