Should I Be A Model?

A handful of carefully planned questions that will gauge your ability to work the runway. Some will be amazed by their results. The rest will just prove to themselves what they knew all along.

Tags: Women, Modeling, Fashion, Style

Here are all the results with descriptions

A supermodel in the making
You hardly needed to take this quiz. You know how to command the catwalk and aren't afraid to show it all off. Whether it's lingerie or nail polish, you're the model for the job. No one can compete with you, though many will try.

A B-list model
Just as there are A, B and C-list celebrities, there are A, B and C-list models. So, look at it this way. It could be worse. You could be a C-lister. On the B list, you're still guaranteed to be spotted by fans now and then, and you might even score your way into some hot clubs and new restaurant openings. But you'll never be supermodel material.

Just average
You're right in the middle among a slew of models. Some are doing it better than you, and others wish they were you. Average makes you a C-lister. Hey, it could be worse. At least you made the list. You'll develop a pretty large social media following and score some decent paychecks along the way, but this will probably never pay all your bills.

Better off sticking to hands and feet
Look, we can't sell nail polish and shoes without people like you. Maybe you've got the perfect looking foot for a new sandals ad, or perhaps your hands are super youthful. Regardless, the rest of you is lacking in the model department. Not everyone was build to grace the catwalk.

Still building your craft
You might have a shot at this, but we'd be lying if we said it wasn't a long shot. You're going to need some serious coaching along the way, and you might invest more in schooling and training for this trade than you even make from being a model in your lifetime. So, weigh your options and investments carefully.

Better off choosing something else to do with your life
While it can be tough to hear you aren't cut out for your dream job, we're just going to say it. You aren't cut out for this. There is no successful modeling career in your future. Move on now and spare yourself the pain of having to start over from scratch later on.