Urban Slang

A fun short quiz that will see what is your urban slang word. This quiz will show you what word you are most likely to use if and or when you are using slang.

Tags: Slang, Culture

Here are all the results with descriptions

Bling bling
You grew up listening to rap music during the early 2000's when this term became famous. It became so famous that the one and only Webster's officially added to their dictionary. You are a jewelry fan so you like to shine and use the words bling bling.

You are a money person, you like to work hard for your money so you like to play hard as well. You are the type of person that saves your money and uses multiple words to describe your cash. Your favorite of those words being dough.

You are one of the nicest people that anyone could ever meet. There isn't a person you wouldn't help if they truly needed it and you speak to everyone that you come in contact with. Your slang word is Yo because you use it all the time when you are speaking to people.

You are a product of this new generation of people using slang. It seems if you all's slang vocabulary changes on a weekly basis. But for now one of your favorite is terms is Lit. You will use this until it gets old next week.

You are not a bully but you do not seem to know how to walk away from anything. You have been labeled as something of a hothead, because you are always into it with someone. That is why your slang word is scrap, which is another term for fighting.

You are a flirt, you are constantly giving out compliments to people of the opposite sex. You have no problem telling someone just how attractive you think they are. You grew up in a time when using the term Phat was cool so you still use it.