What Color is Your Name?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your name is full of happiness and sunshine. You were given this name because of the joy you bring to others. Your smile and laugh are contagious. Take the time to notice others around you who could use some cheering up. Your name's color is yellow.

You are passionate and quick to fall in love. People either associate your name with romance or anger. Be sure that you harness your energy to positive rather than negative. Your name's color is red.

Your name is calm and serene. You were given this name because you have a natural talent for helping others relax. Others can often confuse your cool demeanor for depression so make sure to remind yourself to smile. Your name's color is blue.

Your name is fresh and natural. You were given this name because you feel a strong tie to mother earth and long to be outdoors. You bring vibrancy to every occasion and are often the life of the party. Your name's color is green.

Your name has royal roots. It is luxurious and majestic. You were given this name because you were able to uphold standards that others cannot. Your name's color is purple.