Zodiac Sign Love Compatibility

If you're unsure about your partner and whether or not you guys mesh on a spiritual level, take this quiz, and you can find out! By answering a few questions, you can determine just how compatible you two are.

Tags: Relationship, Zodiac, Astrology, Stars, Horoscope

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Perfect Match
Wow, you and your partner are a perfect match compatibility wise. The two of you fit together perfectly in practically every way. Don't let it get to your head but you guys are basically a perfect couple.

Very Compatible
You and your partner are very compatible. It is pretty much a match made in heaven. There are few others who connect on all of the levels that the two of you do. So keep going with your partner because there's a good chance it's going to stick.

The two of you are compatible. You have some issues to work on, but overall you two are a good match and balance for each other. The two of you have the ability to work through your problems, so just keep on keeping on.

Not Very Compatible
You too are not very compatible. That doesn't mean it won't work it just means your signs have a more difficult time than others would. Consider working on the opposing forces in each of your signs that are working against each other.

Not Compatible
You and your partner are not compatible. Your signs just do not mix. Sometimes though opposites attract and maybe you too are actually an excellent couple. According to your zodiac signs though you guys are gonna have an uphill battle.

Not Compatible At All
Wowzers! You guys are not compatible and you both know it. Your zodiac signs are telling you to run like heck! That doesn't necessarily mean you guys won't make it as a couple but compatibility wise you two have got a ways to go!