Vampire Name Generator

Need a name for a character in a vampire story? Or are you looking for a vampire name for fun? Look no further! Step into our lair and have a vampire name generated for you!

Tags: Writing, Vampire, Name, Generator, Boy, Girl, Woman, Man, Adult, Child, Monster, Spirit, Cryptozoology

Here are all the results with descriptions

This could get interesting. Ransom is certainly an interesting name to live up to. Will Ransom be a vampire that's into blackmail? If so, what will Ransom's ransom be? And who will ransom Ransom? Stay tuned until next time on Ransom's Revenge . . .

Aramin is a pleasure-seeking vampire that like Louis from the Anne Rice series loves the tropics and the freedom of catching people in unexpected ways. But, also like Louis, Aramin has a little bit of a conscience and grows weary of things from time to time.

The name Morfran has been known since it was the subject of an old Welsh legend. Morfran's mother felt sorry for the large, dark crow and so she gave him the gifts of clairvoyance and wisdom. Morfran as a name is not tied to any one gender.

Vampires certainly reside in the shade. Shade is the perfect name for a vampire, especially one that is restrained in their emotions and gives off an essence of coolness and unflappability. You can never quite pin Shade down either. Shade can easily disappear or just melt into darkness.

Mercy as a vampire name denotes a vampire that regrets his/her condition and the circumstances of their beginning. Perhaps Mercy feels sorry for the victims and shows restraint in killing. Mercy probably roams the world half-starving looking for people who are willing rather than attacking pure prey.

The name Hesper comes from Greek mythology. The Hesperides were goddesses that were associated with evening and lived in some mystical but unknown place to the west of Greece. Hera had a garden named after these goddesses in which a tree grew with fruit that was supposed to bestow immortality.