Future Husband Quiz

Think you've got what it takes to be a stellar husband to some lucky lady? This quiz will help you decide whether you're really cut out for marriage, or if it's just wishful thinking.

Tags: Relationship, Marriage, Husband, Wife, Wedding

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not husband material at all
Not everyone is cut out for marriage, and you are one of those outliers. Saying I do is more than just tradition and words we utter in attempt to convey our feelings to our significant other. It means something, and the commitment it requires is a long one. You aren't on board with that. Be honest with yourself.

Probably going to get married anyway, but you won't make a great husband
It seems like everyone's getting married, right? You're no exception. You've always been a bit of a follower. You like tradition. It feels right to do what society says is the right thing, but that conflict in your gut you're feeling is your intuition telling you it's not right for you. You probably won't listen to your gut though, and that could really land you in some hot water, or divorce court.

Not ready for marriage yet
You might make an ideal husband someday, but you are nowhere near done sewing those wild oats. Spare yourself and your honey the pain of getting into something too serious too soon. Getting into a marriage is far easier than getting out of one.

Pretty average when it comes to the grand scale of husbands
You'll make this husband thing work for you. You won't be the husband she writes home about, but you will fulfill the bare minimum requirements. No, it doesn't sound like a pretty picture. The good news is there's time for you to shape up and change your fate.

In need of a few improvements, but a really great candidate for husband
You don't need much grooming. A little is okay. Honestly, women expect that. They want to fix you. They're maternal and need that. So, even if you already feel like you've got this husband thing figured out, let her put her own unique touch on your relationship. It will make her feel like you need her. That's part of being a good husband.

The perfect husband
We wouldn't be surprised if you're already married and well into the matrimony game. You seem to know just what your partner really needs, and you aren't at all hesitant about giving it to her. Every woman should be so lucky!