How Well Do You Know Your Child?

A fun quiz that will help determine if you truly know your child or not. Often parents get busy adulting or with life in general and forget to stay in the true realm of their child's world, unintentionally. It's the small things that matter most in life.

Tags: Relationships, Family, Caring, Generation

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not at all
You have yet to learn anything about your child. You are most likely consumed with work, school, or even a relationship. Your most likely senses this at times. You can't ever remember what cereal they like to eat or even what helps them fall asleep the best.

The Basics
You know the general basics about your child, but nothing that goes too much into detail. You know their favorite color and fast food restaurant, but you have no clue who their best friend is or even their favorite subject in school.

You know your child somewhat. You know important details, but probably not as much that you should necessarily. You know their favorite type of clothing to wear and their favorite vacation spot, but you are unsure about their current mood or even what they want to be when they grow up.

You know your child enough. You are a decent parent. You would be able to answer necessary questions if anything happened to them to be able to find them. Of course all hopes is that nothing ever happens to them, but you know the important details about your child and their best friends and so called enemies in school.

Really Well
You go out of your way to be in your child's world. You know them really well and you try to keep them involved in activities that interests them. You are a busy parent trying to balance adulthood with parenthood. Your effort will definitely pay off in the long run.

Better Than They Know Themselves
Your child adores you. You know them better than they know themselves. They see you as their best friend, although they never forget you are the parent. You know the name of the last movie they watched and the last person that upset them. You can even pick out their favorite style of clothing.