Eye Color Quiz

Our eyes are the windows to the person we are inside. There is a story behind our eyes, they can reveal our inner emotions and are the window to our souls.

Tags: Eye, Color, Eyes, Vision

Here are all the results with descriptions

Blue Eyes
Blue eyes are a popular eye color. For about two weeks, most babies have blue eyes, but then they may change. The color blue represents youth and knowledge which explains why people find you attractive and you love learning!

Brown Eyes
Brown eyes are the most common of all the eye colors. Having this color makes you very independent, self-confident and determined. People look to you for a sense of security and stability. Your friends trust you because your eyes look honest.

Green Eyes
Green eyes are the most unique and mysterious. If you have green eyes, you tend to be very curious about your surroundings and nature. In relationships, you are intense. People with green eyes have a reputation for jealousy, but also for having a big heart!

Hazel Eyes
Hazel eyes are a mix of colors, especially of brown and green. Like your eyes, your mood changes often. You attract tend to attract unique people into your life because you are spontaneous, fun, and approachable.

Black Eyes
People with black eyes are seen as puzzling, secretive, and guarded. However, they are very passionate and loyal when they trust someone. Having black eyes makes you interesting and mysterious to others.

Grey Eyes
People with grey eyes are known for being wise and compassionate. On the other hand, they are very opinionated and tend to analyze all the possibilities of a situation. If your mood changes quickly, it's probably because of your grey eyes.