Are You A Bagel, A Doughnut, Or A Croissant?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're A Bagel!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a bagel! Much like this breakfast delight, you're a bit crusty on the outside but soft and warm on the inside. You don't take to others right away or give your trust easily, instead, you need a bit of time before you let someone into your life for good.

You're A Doughnut!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're more like a doughnut! Much like this dessert delight, you're sweet and fun through and through. You believe that life is all about being open minded and up for anything. Sure, things might not always end up quite as you thought they would, but you never let that get you down. You're all about embracing life to the fullest no matter what!

You're A Croissant!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're a croissant! Much like this flaky pastry, you're all about leading a creative and cultured life. As a highly artistic individual, you believe that life is to be filled with exiting projects and creative endeavors at every turn. While others might describe you as eccentric or quirky, we prefer cultured and one of a kind!