How Well Do You Know Your Best Friend?

A fun quiz that will ask random questions to help determine how well you truly know your best friend. Think of one particular person before you get started, then ask them to take the quiz with you in mind. Have fun!

Tags: Friendship, Relationship, People, Memories

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not at all
Unfortunately, you do not know the person that you had in mind as well as you thought. If they knew the results, you would possibly get your friend card revoked. You don't know as much about them as you thought.

You barely know your so called best friend. You know the important basic information, such as where they are from, their middle name and even possibly the name of their parents. You two don't ever hang out, but for some odd reason you use the phrase best friend for each other.

Enough to talk on the phone
You two generally converse daily, but it's not always about in depth things. You have a certain timeframe that you expect each other's call, but you barely hang out. You hang out a few times a year if that.

Enough to hang out
You did decent answering questions. You know the person that you had in mind enough to hang out with them and it not seem completely odd. You may not know all their deep dark secrets, but you are a decent friend.

Really well
You know your best friend really well. You cherish this individual and you remember their biggest dreams and worst fears. You spend a lot of time together and talking on the phone. If you two aren't together, then someone is always asking where the other one is.

Ride or die bestie level
You are a true best friend. You know everything about your friend that their is to know. You would do anything for them, rather it be take them soup at 3 A. M or help them study for a big exam after you've worked a 12 hour shift. You two are always there for one another no matter what.