Buddy Quiz

Wondering if you and your buddy can pass this quiz? Maybe to see if your friendship is as awesome as you think it is? Then grab a seat and let's put it to the test!

Tags: Friendship, Friends, Buddy

Here are all the results with descriptions

Best Buddies
You two are like two peas in a pod. You can go weeks without saying a word (not that you would), and pick up right where you left off, seamlessly. You've known each other for forever, and it shows. You know all the ups, the downs, the funny stories, the embarrassing ones, and beyond. It's no wonder you can look at something, anything, and know whether or not your buddy would like it. You two are meant to be friends for the rest of your lives, no question.

Close Enough Buddies
You two are as close as you can be, but at least one of you is a massive introvert who just. . . wants to stay home and do nothing most of the time. And that means that you really. . . just. . . don't hang out very often. Like months can go by without you hanging out. But you two have so much fun when you do hang out, that it sort of makes up for it. You two have history, you've shared some pretty awesome times, and you're as close as you can be given that one of you prefers to hermit.

Not the Buddies You Think You Are
You two appear to be friends on the outside, but you're not. Simmering beneath the surface, you both envy each other in a lot of ways. And talk about each other in a negative light. Furthermore, you guys will backstab each other repeatedly, and just. . . hash it out later. The drama! It's clear you two aren't actually best friends, or even just friends. You two are frenemies.