Do I Look Russian?

If you want to know if you have Russian features, we will quiz you on the characteristics of Slavic, southern, and middle Asian features. Take the quiz now!

Tags: Women, Men, Genealogy, Features, Ethnicity

Here are all the results with descriptions

Northern and Western Russians
Your features have a lot in common with the Slavic, Belarusian, Scandinavian and Ukrainian ethnic types. They live in Eastern European countries and Western and Northern Russia. Melania and Ivana Trump, and Vladimir Putin have Slavic features.

Southern Russians
Your features have a lot in common with the Turkish ethnic subgroups of Southern Russia. There are several of these groups. Learn more about your possible ancestry by studying the ethnic and cultural groups of Southern Russia.

Eastern Russians
You share facial and historical features with the peoples of Eastern Russia. These features might be recognizable as sharing a lot in common with Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian, and American Indian peoples. There are several Russian ethnicities in this group. Learn more by researching Russian ethnicities.

Ethnicities other than Russian
You share very few commonalities with the major groupings of Russian ethnicity. However, it is an enormous country with 185 ethnicities so you probably still do look Russian. There are so many people there you might even have a Russian doppelganger!