Do I Have A Spirit Attached To Me?

Discover what kind of spirit is attached to you by answering these simple questions. There are many kinds that exist. The results may explain a lot about your life.

Tags: History, Spirits, Energy, Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

Good Spirit
When something unexpected happens to you, it's usually a good thing. That's because you have a good spirit attached to you that intervenes on your behalf. This spirit may be a guardian angel or a departed loved one. It has probably saved you from a lot of trouble. Don't forget to say thanks!

Evil Spirit
You are constantly the victim of bad things happening to you. That's because an evil spirit is haunting you. This spirit may be a demon or a curse from your past. Fortunately, curses don't last forever. Hang in there and one day you'll thank the evil spirit for making you a stronger person.

Happy Spirit
You always seem to have a positive attitude even in the face of bad things that happen to you. That's because you have a happy spirit attached to you that helps you stay positive. This spirit is a friendly ghost who left this world in a state of happiness and now takes pleasure in the happiness of others.

Sad Spirit
You feel like you're always sad, even when good things happen to you. That's because you have a sad spirit attached to you. Unfortunately, this spirit left the world in an unhappy state. Hang in there and the spirit will eventually move on, leaving you a stronger person.

Wise Spirit
People have often described you as 'wise beyond your years. ' That's because you have a wise old spirit attached to you. This spirit has learned many things in its long existence and now transfers its wisdom to you. You are very fortunate to have a spirit like this attached to you.

Wandering Spirit
You are never happy remaining in one place for too long. That's because you have a wandering spirit attached to you. This spirit doesn't feel like it has a home and has an urge to wander over the world. Follow the urges of your wandering spirit, and you will be surprised at how much you discover.