Am I Sassy Quiz

Has anyone ever told you that you're a little bit sassy? It might not be something that's easy for you to see from the inside, but others might be picking up on it. Find out if it's true right now!

Tags: Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not Sassy At All
There isn't a single thing about you that is sassy according to this quiz. In fact, you're the exact opposite of that. You should probably try and at least rev up your assertiveness a little bit, or people are going to walk all over you.

Not Very Sassy
You might have a couple of things that make you sassy, but for the most part, you don't have a lot of fire inside you. Some might even think your dull or boring. Add a little bit of excitement to your life!

Maybe A Touch Sassy
When people look at you, they see a little touch of sass in there, but you're not even close to being 100% sassy at this point. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but sass does equal a little bit more fun!

An Average Amount of Sassy
According to your responses, we're going to put you right in the middle on the sassiness scale. You have your moments where you are forward and maybe a little bold, but you know how to tone it down when you need to as well.

Pretty Darn Sassy
We're going to have to say that you're pretty darn sassy based off these quiz results. Whenever someone says or does something to you, you don't hesitate to snap back with a quick response. Some people probably can't handle you very well, but you don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

100% Sassy
Everything about you is 100% sass! It's likely you have a lot of friends and people that are intrigued by your level of self-confidence. You know who you are, what you want, and what to do to get it. Just make sure you don't sass the wrong person, or you might end up in hot water!