How Caring Are You?

Caring for our fellow humans and our animal friends is important. But are you caring enough or too caring? Find out how caring you are by taking this quiz!

Tags: Woman, Man, Boy, Girl, Heart, Love, Care, Caring

Here are all the results with descriptions

Couldn't care less
You really give zero cares. It would be impossible for you to care less than you already do. It might help for you to talk to someone you're close to. Caring is important for having a fulfilling and happy life. Try to find something to care about.

Could care less
You aren't completely without a care, but you're close. Do you truly have little care or are you trying not to care? If it's the latter, maybe you should spend some time thinking about that. Are you trying to protect your heart? Find people or things to care about that are safe to love.

Are somewhat caring
You care a little bit. But not a whole lot. You're just kind of meh. You aren't uncaring in an effort to protect yourself - you really just only care about a few things and that's it. Well, so be it. You're not exactly warm, but your heart isn't frozen either. You could turn up the heat just a little, though . . .

Are caring
You are middle of the road caring. You don't care very much but you don't care too little either. It's about a medium amount of caring. You're probably all the better for it. You care enough to surround yourself with things and people you care about, but you aren't devasted beyond coping if the neighbor's cat dies.

Care very much
You have a warm and caring heart. People probably expect hugs from you and they aren't surprised when you get them a thoughtful gift. You also care about strangers and causes and your best friend's sister's poodle.

Care too much
You care a little too much. It's one thing to have a big heart but it can be dangerous to open it so wide that you are deeply affected anything and everything. Yes, love and be loved, but don't worry yourself to the point of crying over dead butterflies.