Do I Worry Too Much?

Has anyone ever accused you of being a worry wart? Do you think too much about things you can't control? Find out if you do actually worry too much by taking this quiz!

Tags: Personality

Here are all the results with descriptions

Doesn't Have a Worry in the World
You have an I don't care about anything attitude about everything in your life, so you never worry about anything. It can be very calming to live this way, but you also might get yourself into some predicaments because you didn't think about the 'what could have happened. ' Sometimes you should worry at least a tad.

Doesn't Worry Very Much
If your paycheck is short, you're going to worry about it. If you run out of your favorite soda at home, you don't let it bother you. There are a few essential things that spike your concern, but you definitely aren't someone that worries too much.

Worries Sometimes
It seems like when you are certain situations or atmospheres that you worry quite a bit, but if you're relaxed and comfortable, you don't have a care in the world. You are someone that only worries sometimes, so you're fine just how you are.

Has Found the Perfect Worry Balance
There are moments in life when you should worry, like when your son or daughter drives for the first time. Other times you shouldn't make it any of your concern, like when the neighbor gets home late from work. You've found the perfect worry balance, so don't ever switch it up.

Worries Quite A Bit
Are the bills paid? Do we have enough groceries? Is there gas in my car? Did I shut that light off before I left? Do those questions sound familiar? Likely because you think or say them out loud all the time. You worry quite a bit about things that aren't necessarily something that should concern you. Take a deep breath and relax!

Worries Way Too Much
You are the epitome of a worry wart. Everything that happens in your life, and even the things that haven't, you worry about. You probably don't sleep very well, and you likely can't focus on what's important because you're too busy worrying. It's time to loosen up and let some things go!