Am I A Loser?

Has anyone ever called you a loser? Does it leave you wondering if they were right? Find out if it's really true right now by taking this short and fun quiz!

Tags: Personality, Nerd

Here are all the results with descriptions

Not A Loser At All
According to your answers, we do not think that you're a loser at all. You do everything that winners do, so you're on the complete opposite side of things here. If someone called you a loser, they're likely just jealous. Let them deal with it, and you keep being you.

Not Really A Loser
There may have been a time in your life where you weren't doing everything you could, so people thought you were a loser. That doesn't mean that's who you are today. You're doing great, so don't worry about it.

A Little Bit Of A Loser
You are probably kind of negative at times, and you walk around thinking nothing ever good happens in your life. With an attitude like that, people think you're kind of a loser. Try and become more positive. It'll make a big difference!

Kind Of A Loser
Those days when you don't want to think about the future or your goals and ambitions; the ones where you walk around sulking and being completely inflexible. Those are the days that you are kind of a loser. It's not all the time, but if you're not careful, it's going to become who you are. Just be more aware, so you can correct it before it gets too bad.

Almost A Loser
You have almost every single trait that other losers have, so we're going to say that you're nearly a complete loser. You're not quite there yet, so don't give up hope. Just recognize when you're acting in such a way and change it. It's all up to you now!

A Total Loser
Sleeping on friend's couches, not working, and mooching everything you need off of whoever will give it to you are what make you a total loser! Nobody wants you around at this point, so you need to do some soul searching to turn this around. . . and fast!