How Digital Are You?

Wondering how digital you are? Unsure whether you're all analog, or just mostly? Maybe you're so digital, you don't even own a pen! It's time to get down to it.

Tags: Personality, Character, Preferences

Here are all the results with descriptions

Totally Digital
You don't even own a pen. You don't send holiday and birthday cards, you just send gifs and tag people in special social media posts. For schedules, you use your phone or tablet, and when it comes time to manage deadlines, you use project management software. Apps are your life. . . and all your music is streamed. So. . . yeah, you're 100% digital! Even your hobbies and books are.

A Hybrid
You're a blend. You have a physical music collection, but you also stream. . . you take notes using pen and paper, but then you use your digital calendar to keep tabs on events and reminders. You have digital hobbies like gaming and show and movie streaming, but you also read physical books. You even write in a physical journal, maybe for notes or scribbles. So, yeah, a hybrid!

Pretty Much Analog
You use physical planners and agendas, you write down notes using pen and paper, you send cards for holidays and birthdays, and you have a physical music collection, which means it's not all streamed! This isn't to say you aren't digital at all, because it's impossible not to be to some degree in this day and age, but it's safe to say whatever you don't need to have digitally, you don't.