Which Genius Is Your Mental Twin?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are a philosopher. You understand people, and you also understand yourself. You are very perceptive, very social - you love to talk and discuss issues with others - and you enjoy being surrounded by both friends and foes. Your mental twin is Socrates!

Charles Darwin
You are a questioner and explorer. You love being outdoors, going on adventures, and forming questions about the world through these adventures. You have a curious spirit, and this leads to some very interesting discoveries - just like Charles Darwin!

Albert Einstein
You are very logical, reasonable, and focused. You are able to process a lot of information at once and use the information to come up with your own theories about the world. Your mental twin is Albert Einstein!

Marie Curie
You are a free-spirit, someone who loves going against the grain and societal norms, which is exactly what Marie Curie did when she became one of the first women to make extraordinary leaps and bounds in the scientific field! You don't care what others think about you, and your carefree attitude gives you great happiness and self-discovery.

Leonardo Da Vinci
You are creative and multi-talented. You have a very innovative mind, and you're always hatching new ideas and theories. You let your artistic spirit do it's thing, and it'll produce amazing, unique, and forward-thinking products! Your mental twin is Leonardo da Vinci!