How Irritating Are You Really?

Here are all the results with descriptions

5% Irritating
You definitely know when to stop talking, interacting with, or trying to befriend someone. You're comfortable doing your own thing and being independent, and because of this, you are rarely overbearing and suffocating to others. You are only 5% irritating!

12% Irritating
You are a happy person, plain and simple. You give off such pure, good, positive vibes that it's very difficult for people to find you irritating. Those that do, though, are just negative people. You are 12% irritating!

20% Irritating
You are, in general, not irritating at all. However, there are those times where you crack a bad joke or just don't catch the hint that you should stop talking, that you become slightly overbearing. You are 20% irritating!

31% Irritating
You are a very passionate person - passionate about your ideals, work, friends, hopes, and dreams. Because of this, it's sometimes hard for others to relate to you and understand when you can't stop talking about all of these things. No worries though - you just need to find people who share the same passions as you. You are 31% irritating!

40% Irritating
You have a very strong personality. You know what you want in life, and you won't stop working hard until you get it. Not everyone relates to your drive and ambition, and because of this, you may come off as suffocating and overbearing at times. You are 40% irritating!