Could You Bring Up Children?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Child Rearing Prodigy
You are a child rearing prodigy! There's no doubt about it, you could bring up a brood with your eyes closed. Not only are you warm, compassionate, and kind; but, you also know when to be firm and stand your ground. You are an amazing mix of everything a mother should be!

Child Raising Savant
You are a true child raising savant! Let's face it, when it comes to raising children, you would have no problem at all. Being a mother comes naturally to you. You have a warm empathetic soul and an unconquerable strength.

Mother To End All Mothers
You are the mother to end all mothers! No one has got mothering down quite as well as you do! Raising a family would come easily to you. You have a great mix of gentleness and strength, allowing you to be both compassionate and firm.

Mothering Maverick
You are a mothering maverick! With warmth and intelligence, you would be an amazingly good mother. Bringing up a family would not be a challenge for you. Your patience and kindness make you the ultimate mother.

Marvelous Mother
You would be a marvelous mother! You have an amazing strength that can carry you through even the most arduous of events. That strength would allow you to bring up children with immaculate ease!