Which 70s TV Show Character Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Jack Tripper (Three's Company)
Though Jack is quite the playboy in 'Three's Company,' it doesn't take long to see that he is very loyal, kind, and protective of his family and friends. You're Jack Tripper because you're exactly that - faithful, loving, and warm, even though you don't initially show it at first!

Mrs. C (Happy Days)
Mrs. Cunningham is a traditional homemaker in 'Happy Days.' More importantly, she is more than just someone who cooks and cleans. She is a big people person. She hates when the house is empty and dislikes getting bored being by herself. Similarly, you are very social and outgoing, and you love being surrounded by people!

Fonzie (Happy Days)
Fonzie is the cool guy on 'Happy Days.' With his leather jacket and laid back attitude, he is always so smooth, cool, calm, and collected. Similarly, you are always very put together and different from the rest. You love marching to the beat of your own drum, and you don't mind what anyone thinks of you for doing that!

Cindy Brady (The Brady Bunch)
Cindy Brady from 'The Brady Brunch' was the youngest of the gang. She was a bit naive and immature, but she had such a bubbly personality that she brought happiness to everyone! Similarly, you have an infectiously happy personality, and your positive vibes are like a breath of fresh air to everyone you know.

Archie Bunker (All In The Family)
Archie Bunker from 'All in the Family,' could be gruff and stubborn, but he was lovable in his own right. In his rough way, he showed that he was a very wise soul with lots of experience under his belt. Similarly, you're rough around the edges, but you really do try to be helpful, and you're very knowledgeable and caring as well!