Where Do You Fall on the Ladder of Success?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You have neither just started out nor reached the pinnacle of your career. In fact you have paid your dues and you might be wondering when your next big break is coming. We have excellent news! It's coming very soon indeed. Your answers indicate that your success is up-and-coming. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.

You're About To Jump Off
You have spent years in the rat race and never feel as if you are getting your do. In fact, you have been contemplating going out on your own and starting your own company so that the only person you have to answer to will be yourself. We have excellent news! Success coming very soon indeed. Your answers indicate that you're about to jump off the corporate ladder and land into a big pile of cash out on your own. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.

You're At The Top
We have excellent news! You have managed to make your way up to the very top of the ladder. Not many people have your good fortune. You have worked hard to get here so it's time to look back and appreciate what all of your hard work and dedication to your career has meant to you. Your answers indicate that you are at the top! How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.

You're Not Even On The Ladder
We have excellent news! Somebody as clever and individualistic as you sees to need to buy into the mumbo jumbo that is a corporate ladder. You have been doing things your own way and couldn't be happier. You wonder why people even bother to be in the rat race and chase after meaningless titles and salaries. Your answers indicate that you are not even on the ladder. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.

You're In The Middle
We have excellent news! You have spent years getting to where you are now and can't really imagine things getting any better but they are about to. You are ready to reach the next level of success and it won't be long until you put your foot on a rung that you didn't think was possible for you to reach. Your answers indicate that you are at the middle of your success. How did we do? Let us know in the comments section below.