Here are all the results with descriptions
Ready To Move!
Based on your quiz results, you're 100% ready to move to a country other than your own! You've got a passion for exploring, immersing yourself in new cultures, and meeting new people. You feel stagnant in your current country. It could be time for you to move abroad and go on the ultimate adventure!
Somewhat Ready To Move!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're somewhat ready to move! While you've been learning towards leaving your home country for a long time, there are still a few things holding you back. Mainly your friends and loved ones in this country. Think about what you need from your environment and make your next move.
Not Ready To Move At All!
Based on your quiz results, you're not ready to move at all! While you may have thought about moving in times of stress or boredom, you love your home country and would never leave willingly. While you may consider moving abroad someday, now is not the time.