Which TV Family Is Most Like Your Family?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Hecks
The TV family that is most like yours is "The Hecks!" Your family may be a little disorganized and messy on the outside, but the amount of love you hold for each other is truly outstanding.

The Dunphy's
The TV family that is most like yours is The Dunphy's of Modern Family! You're diverse, eclectic, and a little in over your heads; but for the most part, you're as close and tight knit as a family can get.

The Taylors
The TV family that is most like yours is the Taylors of Home Improvement! Your family likes to have fun, try new things, and laugh. You don't take life too seriously and you always hold onto one another in times of stress.

The Cunninghams
The TV family that is most like yours is The Cunninghams of Happy Days! You're a nuclear family who plays by the rules. While you might seem pretty cut and dry from the outside, you guys have a lot of fun behind closed doors.

The Bradys
The TV family that you're most like is The Bradys of The Brady Bunch! You're a strong and tight-knit group that depends on one another for everything! You're truly one another's best friends and comrades.