What Kind Of Learner Are You?

Everyone learns a little differently. Find out what learning style best suits you! You might be surprised.

Tags: Mind, Personality, Perception, Learning, Skill, Brain, Think, Education

Here are all the results with descriptions

An Auditory Learner
You learn best by just sitting back and listening. You are able to completely focus on what is being said, and you are able to retain and recall that information whenever needed. If you are having trouble learning something, try having someone explain it to you out loud. That might be all it takes!

A Hands-on Learner
You are a doer by nature. You can figure things out quickly if you can just sit down and get to work on them. You are better at trying things and learning from your mistakes than you are at just listening to or reading directions. If you are having trouble learning something, try to find a way to try it out for yourself, even if that means just writing it all out. You might be surprised at how quickly that helps.

Best at Learning by Reading
You are great at reading something and retaining all of the information. If someone tells you something, it might be in one ear and out the other. If someone shows you something, you might get lost in the action. But if you can just have the information written down, it sticks. You learn best by reading.

A Visual Learner
You learn by seeing. If you can see a math problem written out, you can solve it. If you can see a chart of information or photograph from a story, you can remember all the information that came with the illustration. If you are listening to a lecture, you often find yourself doodling little picture notes to help you recall the information. You are a visual learner.

Best at Learning by Repetition
If you can do something three or four times, then you will never forget how to do it. If someone tells you something important, like a name or an address, all you need to do to remember it forever is to say it back to yourself three times. You learn best by repetition.

A Visual and Hands-on Learner
You need to see something and try it firsthand to really be able to have a clear understanding. You are best when you can see something demonstrated and then try it for yourself. You are a visual and hands-on learner.