What Type Of Sibling Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Good Example
You're the good example sibling! You're the sibling that's naturally good at everything. Your parents are constantly telling your brothers and sisters to be more like you in every way. Whether it's who you date or what you do, you're a good example in every facet of life!

The Third Parent
You're the third parent! Your the sibling that is always looking out for your brothers and sisters. You're protective, wise, and always willing to look after your siblings. Though some might see you as a bit of a kiss up, it's clear that your intentions are pure and good!

The Troublemaker
You're the troublemaker! You're the sibling that's always in hot water and getting bailed out of some kind of bind. You just can't help but get caught up in sticky situations, even when it's not your intention at all. Though you're a bit rebellious, your siblings know that they can always count on you for support!

The Snitch
You're the snitch! You're the sibling that just can't wait to rat out your brothers and sisters to get in good favor with your parents. Sure, your siblings may not appreciate your antics, but you're almost always in good standing with Mom and Dad!

The Dependable One
You're the dependable one! You're the sibling that can always be counted on for support and a little bit of help. When one of your family members is in need, you're the first one to drop everything and do what you can to make the situation better. You're loyal, steadfast, and loving in every way!