How Long Could You Survive In The Arctic?

Here are all the results with descriptions

One Day
Based on the results of this quiz, you would only survive in the arctic for one day. Not only do you loathe the cold weather with a burning passion (what were you doing in the arctic in the first place?, but you lack the basic survival skills necessary to thrive in such a harsh environment. We think you should perhaps head somewhere a bit warmer.

Six Weeks
Based on the results of this quiz, you could survive in the arctic for six weeks! While you won’t be settling down in the arctic anytime soon, you could easily last a little over a month. Despite the challenges you would face, your resiliency would keep you going even when the weather tells you it’s time time to go!

Six Months
Based on the results of this quiz, you could survive in the arctic for six months! Not only do you possess strength and resiliency, but you have the logic necessary for surviving in such a harsh environment. So much of surviving in the arctic is practicality and problem solving. These are two areas you could conquer with ease.

One Year
Based on the results of this quiz, you could survive in the arctic for a total of one year! While one year might not seem like a long time, consider that most folks can’t even last in the arctic for a few months. With your organizational skills, knack for problem solving, and strong inclination toward survival, you could easily last one year in this harsh environment!

A Lifetime
Were you an eskimo in a former life? Based on the results of this quiz, you could last in the arctic for the rest of your life. Not only do you love the cold (the colder and more bitter the better), but you’ve spent a great deal of time studying what it takes to survive in harsh conditions. With sound logic and bulletproof willpower, you could certainly survive in the arctic for many years!