Which East Coast State Matches Your Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

New York
You are most like New York! You crave excitement in every area of your life! You're like the city that never sleeps...which could be in part to the fact that you don't sleep much. You are always ready for the next big thing, just like New York.

Your personality best matches up with the state of Maine. Maine is a relaxed state. When many people think of it, they think of cozy cottages and warm fireplaces. Like this state, you are relaxed, and hopefully feeling pretty cozy as well!

Your personality best matches up with Florida! This state is as wild and exciting as can be, just like you! You are always ready to try something new, which is why Florida is the state for you! You never know what new thing you will find in this crazy state!

Virginia is the state the best matches your personality! Virginia is a home for good country-loving people, even if it is on the coast. Your southern-fried personality would feel right at home in this great state.

You're as sweet as Georgia peaches, which is why Georgia is the state for you! This state has all of the comforts of the south, all of the beaches of the coast, and all of the charm of the east. It is a mix of many great traits, just like your personality!