Do You Eat Like A Democrat Or A Republican?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Based on the results of this quiz, you eat more like a Democrat! You tend to value healthier food options and are more daring in your choices. You love ethnic cuisine, vegetarian fare, and of course a good classic all American dish.

Based on the results of this quiz, you eat more like a republican! You tend to favor classic all American dishes and comfort foods over more daring options. When it comes to ethnic cuisine, you tend to stick with what you know rather than venturing to far out of your comfort zone.

Based on the results of this quiz, you don't eat like a republican or a democrat! We're going to go ahead and say you eat like an independent. When it comes to food, you don't like to be stuck in a box. You savor variety. While you may get down on a juicy all American burger one day, the next day you might go with Thai or Sushi. You're an adventurous eater!