What Percent 1960s Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

100% 1960s
You are 100% 1960s! You embody the spirit and passion of this decade in time like no one else. You're a free spirit with a deep love of music, social justice, art, and fashion. You're not afraid to stand apart from the pack or let your voice be heard loud and clear.

80% 1960s
You are 80% 1960s! You are a highly creative and intelligent individual who loves to be up to date on the latest news, pop culture, and music. You feel most relaxed and at ease when listening to your favorite record or simply having a deep conversation with friends. You're almost as 1960s as they come!

60% 1960s
You are 60% 1960s! Though you may be shy and reserved on the outside, on the inside is a firecracker full of passion and culture. You always stand up for what you believe in, even it might mean putting yourself out there and taking some big risks. You're adventurous, warm hearted, and always looking out for your fellow man.

40% 1960s
You are 40% 1960s! Though you may not embody this decade 100%, you have many of the traits that made this decade truly spectacular. You have a deep love of innovation, human invention, and culture. You believe that progress can only be made by taking big risks and putting it all on the line.

20% 1960s
You are 20% 1960s! Though you may embody some components of this decade, you're more suited to the modern age. You can't imagine life without technology or listening to an artists entire album all at once. Work and career tend to take precedent over friends and hanging out, which can sometimes leave you feeling too tired to do much of anything else!