Who Would You Be in a Medieval Court?

Have you ever wondered who you would be in a medieval court? Find out now by taking this fun quiz!


Here are all the results with descriptions

The King or Queen
You are the King or a Queen of the medieval court. Your job is to lead the people, and make decisions that affect the entire kingdom. You like to be in control, and are a natural born leader. You enjoy being the center of attention, in charge, and being waited on hand and foot.

The Court Jester
You are the Court Jester in the medieval court! You enjoy making people laugh and have an excellent sense of humor. People love being around you and you're like to be very, very popular. You love being wanted, although sometimes you struggle with making time for yourself.

The Evil Chancellor
You are the Evil Chancellor of the medieval court. You lurk undetected in the background, plotting the demise of the people in control, with the hopes of taking their place someday. You jump at the chance to advise people in a way that seems as though your advice serves their best interests. However, everything you say is strategically planned to subtly alter the circumstances in your favor--and nobody ever notices until it's too late!

The Royal Chef
You are the Royal Chef of the medieval court! You love food, preparing food, and serving food--because food, to you, is love, and you love everyone. People adore you for your sunny disposition, positive outlook on life, and willingness to work hard just to please others.

The Brave Knight
You are the Brave Knight of the medieval court! You are a knight in shining armor, ready to face lethal enemies and deadly situations just to prove your loyalty to others. In modern times, of course, this translates into being a great and loyal friend that can be counted on to be there in times of need, no matter what.

The Wise Wizard
You are the Wise Wizard of the medieval court. You are a creative, fascinating individual with a bit of a mysterious side to you. You are also a bit of a mystic, or interested in learning more about new age, religion, spirituality, and the universe. In medieval times, you would have been relied on to cast spells, tell fortunes, predict the outcome of a battle, and more... but in this day and age you are more likely to be in tune with your spirituality in a way that most people are not.