Who Can You Trust?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your Best Friend
You can easily trust your best friend. Luckily, you found a side kick who keeps a promise. When he/she swears to keep your secrets to themselves, they truly mean it. Never would your best friend consider betraying your trust or hurting your feelings.

Your Self
You can trust yourself. When in doubt, you can always trust yourself. Even though those around you may be a bit flakey, you always have your intuition to guide you. At the end of the day, your gut is your best friend. Trust it and you'll never falter.

Your Parent
You can trust your parent. When it comes right down to it, your Mother or Father always have your back. They are a personal vaults of all your secrets, fears, and flaws. Your parent would never intentionally betray you or leak a secret, you can trust them with your life.

Your Co-Worker
You can trust your co-worker. Lucky you! Not everyone is so lucky to have a co-worker that they can vent to without fear of being found out. But you found someone with whom you share a deep connection. One that is founded on the promise that neither one of you would ever betray the other's trust.

Your SIgnificant Other
You can trust your significant other. Your partner is your best friend and confidant. With them, you feel safe sharing all of the things you feel you can't share with other people. You know that this person will hold your secrets close to your heart and would never think of betraying your confidence.