What Famous Queen Were You in a Past Life?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette might be remembered for the infamous "cake" incident and eventually lost her head to the guillotine, but the truth is she wielded great power during her reign. She had strong influence on her husband's political decisions and lived a lavish lifestyle to show off her wealth. You are also beautiful and admired, if not a little feared by others. Take a lesson from history and learn to be a little humble so that you don't end up with a similar demise. In a past life, you were Marie Antoinette.

Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth overcame countless obstacles in order to rise to power. She was disliked by her family so much that she was even imprisoned. Once she came to power she resisted the temptation to marry and give it up. She ruled England with an iron fist and is still remembered to this day as one of the greatest Queens in history. You are also strong-willed and independent. You overcame many obstacles to get to where you are in life. Enjoy your success and fight to keep it, just as she did. In a past life you were Queen Elizabeth I.

Cleopatra began ruling Egypt at the tender age of 12. She was both a beautiful seductress and a brilliant strategist. Julius Caesar and Marc Antony both fought for her affection. You are used to commanding power and respect from those around you just as she did. Men are attracted to your exotic looks and powerful mind. You were Cleopatra in a past life.

Anne Boleyn
Her beauty was so powerful, she tempted the most powerful man in England to renounce his religion in order to divorce his first wife so that he could marry her. In fact, she was so influential, others would say that she was a witch in order to explain her ability to persuade. You are also a legendary beauty with the power to persuade. Thankfully you live in a more modern era where these qualities will lead you to success, rather than the tower of London. In a past life, you were Queen Anne Boleyn.

Catherine the Great
Catherine was a beautiful German princess, who married a Russian Archduke at the tender age of 16. She wasn't as meek as she looked, and it didn't take long for her to decapitate her husband and become the sole monarch of Russia. Catherine ruled with an iron fist and enjoyed a long run of absolute power. You also get what you want, and don't let others stand in your way of achieving your goals. Your beauty has a tendency of distracting others to the point where you can fully exploit them. In a past life, you were Catherine the Great.