Who is Your BBC Husband?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Doctor
You adore this man of mystery, even if you don't know his name. You would hop on the Tardis and be his assistant without a second thought. You yearn to travel through space and time in the company of an adorable odd-ball. Your BBC husband is The Doctor.

Mr. Darcy
The original gentleman. You grew up reading Pride and Prejudice at least once a year and have seen every version made. You adore Mr. Darcy's dark and brooding moods and find melancholy oh so attractive. You wish that he would gallop in on his horse to rights the wrongs in your life. Your BBC husband is Mr. Darcy.

Brilliance is best. You don't need a man to compliment the way you look or even notice if you got a haircut. You think that brains are sexy and wish that one would solve the mystery of how to unlock your heart. Your BBC husband is Sherlock.

Robert Crawley
Traditional values attract you. You want a man who is set in his ways and will be loyal to you through thick and thin. You wouldn't mind his overbearing mother as long as you got to be the Mistress of Downton. Your BBC husband is Robert Crawley.

You have a soft spot for the bad boy. You don't mind a little crazy, it keeps things interesting. A man that can control the fate of the world in the palm of his hand is attractive. A sinister yet brilliant partner would certainly make life interesting. Your BBC husband is Moriarty.

Sidney Chambers
You find a brooding man of the cloth with a colored past irresistible. You don't mind that he doesn't have a penny to his name, just look at those eyes. You long to put on a jazz record and find yourself lost in his embrace. His brilliant mind and knack for solving mysteries will insure that your life together is never dull. Your BBC husband is Sidney Chambers.