Can We Guess How Many Friends You Have?

Here are all the results with descriptions

One Bestie
You have a best friend who has been there for you through the good times and the bad. You have other acquaintances, but nobody will ever be able to fill the void that your best friend ca. You have one Bestie, and for you, that is enough.

Two or Three
You have a few good friends. One might be an old college roommate, another a coworker that you eat lunch with every day. You would rather be friends with a few people that you can trust than have a contact list a mile long. You have 2 to 3 best friends and they are more than enough.

You have a few people that you can count on. If you are having a bad day, there is a group of people that you can call or text that will cheer you up. Others seek you out for your friendly manner. You have 4 or 5 good friends that will be there for you when you need them, and you will be there for them in return.

You like to be alone and are happy in your own company. You are friendly and pleasant to others but are happier spending a quiet evening at home watching a movie than going out to a bar and meeting new people. You might long to make one or two close friends, but don't know how. You are a loner.

More than a dozen.
You make friends everywhere you go. You will hand out your number to any friendly face, and have sent out texts to make dinner plans with somebody that you just met. You might be busy making so many new friends that the old ones can get lost through the cracks. You have more than a dozen friends.