What Is Your Partner’s True Name?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your partner's true name is Ethan! The name Ethan is of Hebrew origin and means strong or firm. Individuals with this name are brazen, bold, and confident. They are reliable and loyal partners who always make time for their loved ones and show ample affection.

Your partners true name is Alex! Alex is of Greek origin and means "defender of men." Individuals with this name are confident, independent, and humorous. They are amazing partner's who can also find the bright side in any situation.

Your partner's true name is Noah! Noah is of Hebrew origin and means comfort or rest. Individuals with this name are calm, level headed, and sensitive. They make ideal partners because they are very in tune with the wants and needs of their loved ones .

Your partner's true name is Michael! Michael is of Hebrew origin and means "who is like God." Individuals with this name are ambitious and hardworking. They always strive to provide for their partners and are very goal oriented.

Your partner's true name is Aiden! Aiden is of Celtic origin and means "little fire." Individuals with this name are passionate, fiery, and have big personalities. They are highly romantic partners who often show their love through physical touch.